Dr. Julia Lindsay, author of "Reading Above the Fray", is with us today in Manhattan, sharing with district leaders about the importance of building programs around the science of reading to make it stick! Thank you to Just Right Reader for sponsoring and hosting! #KSSA
3 months ago, Sarah Perryman
Dr. Julia Lindsay
Our KSSA Board of Directors is meeting this afternoon in Dodge City ahead of Council of Superintendents tomorrow. Thank you to our Board for your role in advancing the work of education in Kansas by being an advocate for your peers, staff, and students!
8 months ago, Sarah Perryman
KSSA Board of Directors
KSSA is wrapping up a wonderful day of personal growth and connections! KSSA members had the opportunity to work and learn with Dr. Jason Andrews, 2019 NYSOY.
9 months ago, Jessi Clark
2023 KSSA Day - Dr. Jason Andrews
KSSA Day 2023 - Austin Karr with Monkeythis is discussing maximizing social media as a communication tool with superintendents.
9 months ago, Jessi Clark
KSSA Day 2023 - Austin Karr
Superintendents are gathered in Wichita for KSSA Day to kick off the KASB Conference. Mark Leinweaver is talking to the group about the power of Character and the importance of supporting each and every child. Mark is delivering his message with energy and passion!
9 months ago, Jessi Clark
KSSA Day 2023 - Mark Leinweaver
Final stop of the day, El Dorado USD 490 and new superintendent Jennifer Davis. She is making the always challenging transition to Supt from within the same system. All three Supts. are looking forward building on the success of those who came before them.
10 months ago, USA-Kansas
water tower
2nd stop, it was great catching up with new to Kansas, Superintendent Chuck Lambert. He comes to Kansas after serving as a superintendent in Nebraska. Chuck's building relationship in his new community and learning our Kansas ways! Some better, and maybe a few he needs more time.
10 months ago, USA-Kansas
water tower
board office
1st stop of the day was in South Haven, great visit with first year superintendent Dan Farley. He credits his prior experience at the district level, KSSA, KELI, ESSDACK and KASB for his successful transition to the superintendents position.
10 months ago, USA-Kansas
water tower
When you have a room full of district leaders, you build on their own experiences and support their growth as it relates to student learning, Especially as they work through the natural chaos inherent to the superintendent's role.
10 months ago, USA-Kansas
John and Heather
Kevin and Brad
Share your thoughts on the question below! During a stop with leaders from USA, KASB, KNEA, AFT, KSDE, USD 501, USD 450, and Washburn University on September 5th, US Department of Education Deputy Assistant Lauren Mendoza facilitated conversation with Kansas Education Leaders about their work to “Raise the Bar” in our public schools to help each student succeed. Attendees were asked to share bright spots and examples of best practices while providing feedback on how federal policy changes could better set up school systems for increased success. Through the discussion, a few common ideas emerged: Kansas schools are working diligently to recruit and retain high quality teachers but more work is needed in this area [i.e. pay, licensing, access to preparation/training] Special Education funding needs to be fully funded from the federal level. Federal mandates should not come without implementation funding. High-quality career-centered training opportunities for students are key to increasing post-secondary success, and Kansas is a leader in this area! How do you see Kansas educators ‘Raising the Bar’ for student success?
11 months ago, USA-Kansas
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Join USA-Kansas & Mammoth Sports Construction for a 2-Day Forum focused on Communications! These forums will take a deep dive into TELLING YOUR STORY and building district-wide communication strategies. https://usakansasks.sites.thrillshare.com/page/fall-forums
11 months ago, Jessi Clark
USA-Kansas Fall Forums